Thursday, August 7, 2008

One step closer to a Master's degree...

I found the sperm storage tubules in the oviduct!!! I know where I need to be looking! I know what I have to cut out! I officially know what they look like! I am one step closer. Oh, and I scanned and photographed 35 sperm of one turtle and measured it. Now I need to convert it...that will be done before I go to bed tonight.
I'm not sure what I want to work on tomorrow though. We are going to lunch with the advisor at like noonish. I can either scan more sperm or dehydrate tissue. I think I will scan. I can do that and stop mid-scan but the dehydrating has to be continuous and once I get it into paraffin I have to do something with it after 24-36 hours which means Saturday work. I'm not going into school on Saturday, we are going to the Zoo!!! Scanning it is!!!

It's not quite so hot but, it's not cool enough to keep the skeeters at bay. Did I mention that the skeeters around here are huge, blood-thirsty creatures who stop at nothing? They are not bothered by bug spray and slapping them rarely kills them. Anyway, it was a comfortable 89 degrees out. The high temps are supposed to stay in the upper 80's, low 90's for the weekend...that's why we are going to the zoo.

I'm off to convert numbers for my thesis. I gotta get it done. I plan on moving in December...

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