Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I love to sleep in...

No, really, I do. I slept in this morning because bedtime didn't come until about 3:45 this morning. Several of us herpers went out with a couple of the ASU mammal people to help with a bat survey of SE Missouri. We helped them assemble the mist nets and then check them every 15 minutes or so. Because we don't have the rabies vaccinations, we didn't touch the bats. We caught a total of 5 bats...

Back to sleeping in...around 8:00 this morning we got a powerful knock on the front door. It was the maintenance guy of our apartment. He came to replace the kitchen sink fixture. I took advantage of this wake up call to administer Hugo's antibiotic, he was not happy to be woke up either. We both went back to sleep. I woke up for good around noon. It is 11:45pm right now and Hugo woke up about an hour ago.

We didn't go to school today but, we didn't lay around the house all day either. We cleaned it. Oh, and did laundry, fun, fun!!! Tomorrow is back to the old grindstone, well the lab anyway.

Stay tuned for more complaining from the lab...

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