Thursday, September 18, 2008


I received a rather large envelope in the mail today. The return address was to the Oklahoma State Board of Education. They sent me a letter informing me of my status toward obtaining a teaching certificate.
About three weeks ago, I sent in official copies of my college transcripts, my CV, an official application and a check for $40.00 to the OSBE. I was basically asking the state if I was qualified enough to take the tests to become a high school teacher.

They sent me a letter stating that I was qualified to take the tests. So, now I have to apply to take the general and subject specific tests. After I do this (assuming I pass them), I will be licensed to teach in Oklahoma. I have a couple of years to take 6 hours of education specific classes and get a teaching job, after which I will be a certified teacher (assuming they give me the thumbs up)! Oh yea, in that packet also came OBI fingerprint cards that need to be done at a sheriff's office. So, I need to head to the Craighead County Sheriff's Office for a little inking of the fingers...

I am so excited. Now, I am a little nervous about the tests I have to take. I know I can pass them but, I usually wind up psyching myself out so I feel like I won't do good. In high school I had the mentality "I don't have to worry about this test. If I do bad, I can bring my grade up with homework," too bad I don't have that mentality now. It would be really helpful. I guess if I fail these tests I can always be a secretary somewhere in Bartlesville...LOL.

We are going to a birthday party on Saturday. Little Ben turned 1, today! You only turn 1 once, too bad no one can remember it.

This week I have gotten a huge amount of stuff done. I only have like 4 more classes to grade. Next week will be a difficult week because I have to set up tests. It won't be too bad because I will only have them to grade and not the homework, too. I almost look forward to that bad?

So, the other day I made sauteed rice noodles with was fantastic. So good in fact, that I asked a friend to get me more noodles next time he goes to the Asian market. I can't wait to make it again. It was so easy and it fed Josh and I for 2 meals. It even reheats well. Although, I plan on eating all the shrimp in the first go around because the leftovers tasted a little like shrimpy pencil erasers...blek!

Tomorrow we are going to Demo's for a little BBQ and herpy comradery. I can already smell the smoked pork!!!

Until I sign on again...

Fun Fact for the Day... A dime has 118 ridges around the edge.

I wish I had 11,800,000,000 dime ridges...

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